25. Time Theory of Raags

The Time theory of Raags is an ancient theory. Every Raag has a three-hour time slot in the day. One slot is called a “Pehar”. There are 8 Pehars in a 24 hour day. A Raag performed in its time slot has the most effect on the listener and the performer. Through the ages though, many Raags have been modified, and their allotted time slots do not match with their flow of notes. This incompatibility has created a lot of confusion about this theory. However, if a student knows the basics of the Time Theory, the proper alterations can be made.
Pandit Ravi ShankarAt first look, the time theory of Raags alludes many. It seems random, there are formulas however. It is directly connected to the notes used in a Raag. Every Note, when used with certain other notes, has a different effect. That creates certain moods. Based on that, we can divide Raags into three categories:

1. Raags with ‘Komal’ ‘Re’ and ‘Dha’ (second and sixth flat)
2. Raags with ‘Shudh’ ‘Re’ and ‘Dha’ (second and sixth natural)
3. Raags with ‘Komal’ ‘Ga’ and ‘Ni’ (third and seventh flat)

1. Raags with Komal ‘R’ and ‘D’ (second and sixth flat)
These Raags are called ‘Sandhi-prakash’ (dawn/dusk or twilight) Raags. As the name suggests, these Raags are sung in the early morning and early evening. ‘Ma’ (the fourth) note plays a very big role to separate the morning Raags from the evening Raags. In the morning Raags, ‘Ma’ is usually natural and in the evening Raags it is usually sharp. Another thing to remember about these Raags is that the third note (‘Ga’) is always natural. If ‘Ga’ is flat, then the Raags will go in the third category. Importance of Komal ‘Dha’ (sixth) is not as high as Komal ‘Re’. If ‘Re’ is Komal and ‘Dha’ is natural, the Raag will still come under this category. But if it is the other way around, then it will go to the second category.

2. Raags with ‘Shudh’ ‘Re’ and ‘Dha’ (second and sixth natural)
These Raags are sung right after the ‘Sandhi-Prakash (twilight) Raags. So their time slot is around 7-10 a.m. and p.m. Again these Raags must have a Shudh ‘Ga’ (third natural), otherwise they will go under the next category. ‘Ma’ (fourth) plays a big role in these Raags too. The same rule applies here, the ‘a.m.’ Raags have natural ‘Ma’ and the ‘p.m.’ Raags have Tivar ‘Ma’ (fourth sharp).

3. Raags with Komal ‘Ga’ and ‘Ni’ (third and seventh flat)
These Raags have the next time slot in both day and night. In these Raags, the position ‘Re’ or ‘Dha’ does not matter. However, these Raags must have Komal ‘Ga’ (third flat). Importance of komal ‘Ni’ (the seventh) is not as high as the position of the ‘Ga’ (third).

The above categorization is very useful to memorize a Raag’s appropriate time. As I stated earlier, this division is not perfect though. Indian music theory is over 5000 years old. Along the way it has acquired its fair share of exemptions. There are a few other things, which may or may not overrule the above categorization. Raag ‘Yaman’ (name) is an evening Raag. Nevertheless, it is always the first Raag in a performance, regardless of the time of the day. Similarly, no matter it is day or night, Raag ‘Bhairavi’ (name) is the last Raag performed. A few other Raags occupy bigger than a 3-hour time slots and a few are only sung during a special season. Read more about this in the next post.

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24. Overlapping Scales

Now we must ponder two questions:

  1. We now know that 484 unique scales are available in each Thaat, but when we apply this formula to all 10 Thaats and put all 4840 scales in one list, are they all unique?
  2. If one can compile a list of all unique aroh/avrohs, can that list be called a list of Raags?

The answer to both these questions is ‘no.’

When we repeat the formula above, many identical scales are created.


As an example, the difference between Bilaval Thaat and Khamaj Thaat is the position of ‘N’ (the seventh). ‘Nee’ is Tivar in Bilaval and is Komal in Khamaj. Now wherever ‘N’ has been omitted, all those scales will be identical in Bilaval and Khamaj. Check the following iluustrations. First you see both Thaats (Bilaval and Khamaj), when you press ‘next’, both show a Chhadav-Chhadav scale (6-6, ‘N’ or the seventh is missing). Thus the new scale is identical in Bilaval and Khamaj.

[iframe width=”100%” height=”350″ src=”https://www.sangtar.com/canvas/170202-bilaval-khamaj-Canvas.html”].

To be exact, Bilaval and Khamaj have 32 overlapping scales. There are hundreds others that overlap.

Secondly, A Raag is much more than an ascending and a descending. You cannot make  Raags just with unique scales. There are many Raags that have identical scales and yet are very different from each other. Raags have other characteristics, which give them unique personality. We will discuss properties of a Raag in the next post.

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23. 484 Raags of any Thaat

There are 484 arohs/avrohs (ascendings/descendings) possible in each Thaat, thus there are 484 opportunities to make unique Raags in each Thaat. Here are some of the points that govern this theory and the illustrations below:
1. There are 3 main Jaties. (Sampooran, Chhadav and Audav)
2. There is only one (1) Sampooran scale in each Thaat.
3. There are six (6) Chhadav scales in each Thaat,
4. There are fifteen (15) Audav scales in each Thaat.
5. Raags need an ascending and a descending defined.
6. When used in pairs to make arohs/avrohs (ascendings/descendings), the three categories make Nine (9) subcategories.
7. All the examples shown here are in Bilaval Thaat (natural scale from ‘C’). It can be applied to any of the 10 Thaats mentioned in this post. So theoretically there are 4840 Raags in Northern Indian music.
8. The following illustrations are in Flash format. If you do not see anything, please download free flash player here.

Let’s count the Raags in all nine subcategories.
1. Sampooran-Sampooran (7-7): This category uses all 7 notes in Aroh and Avroh. As no alteration is possible, so every Thaat can have only one unique Sampooran-Sampooran aroh/avroh.
2. Sampooran-Chhadav (7-6): There are six (6) Chhadav scales available in each Thaat. When we pair them with one (1) Sampooran scale, it gives us 1×6=6 unique Raags. Use the next and previous arrows in the flash movie to navigate through the scales.
3. Sampooran- Audav (7-5): There are fifteen (15) Audav scales in each Thaat. When we pair them with one (1) Sampooran scale, it gives us 1×15=15 unique Raags.
4. Chhadav- Sampooran (6-7): In this Jati, the Aroh is Chhadav (6 notes) and the Avroh is Sampooran (7 notes). This gives us 1×6=6 unique Raags. This Jati is the flip side of Sampooran-Chhadav (2nd Jati).
5. Chhadav-Chhadav (6-6): Chhadav Arohs paired with Chhadav Avrohs give us 6 scales on both sides. When we put them together, we get 6×6=36 unique Raags.
6. Chhadav- Audav (6-5): when we pair six (6) types of Chhadav Arohs with 15 types of Audav Avrohs, we get 6×15=90 Raags.
7. Audav- Sampooran (5-7): this is the flip side of Sampooran-Audav (3rd Jati). Pairing 15 Audav Avrohs with 1 Sampooran Avroh give us 15×1=15 Raags.
8. Audav-Chhadav (5-6): When we pair 15 types of Audav (5 notes) Arohs with 6 types of Chhadav (6 notes) Avrohs, we get 15×6=90 Raags.
9. Audav- Adudav (5-5): 15 types of Audav Arohs, paired with 15 types of Audav Avrohs give us 15×15=225 unique Raags.

When we add the Raags created in all nine Jaties, it equals to (1+6+15+6+36+90+15+90+225) 484. Now by making the notes flat and sharp in each Thaat, we can multiply these by 10 (there are 10 Thaats),to create 4840 Raags.

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22. Three Main and Nine Sub Jaties

As I mentioned earlier, There are “three” (3) main Jaties (Categories) of Indian Raags:

  1. Heptatonic or Sampooran or all seven notes
  2. Hexatonic or Chhadav or 6 notes
  3. Pentatonic or Audav or 5 notes

Nine (9) subcategories or Jaties are created by pairing the above three to make ascending and descending (aroh/avroh) pairs.

  1. Sampooran-Sampooran (7-7)
  2. Sampooran-Chhadav (7-6)
  3. Sampooran-Audav (7-5)
  4. Chhadav-Sampooran (6-7)
  5. Chhadav-Chhadav (6-6)
  6. Chhadav-Audav (6-5)
  7. Audav-Sampooran (5-7)
  8. Audav-Chhadav (5-6)
  9. Audav-Audav (5-5)
  10. Let’s explore these Jaties before proceeding any further. Let’s see how many alterations of a scale (Thaat) are possible in each Jati.

1. Sampooran  (7):  A Sampooran (or heptatonic) scale uses all seven notes in Ascending and Descending (Aroh-Avroh). So there is only one type of Sampooran scale in each Thaat. A sampooran scale looks like this:

  1. S,R,G,M,P,D,N

2. Chhadav : Chhadav (or hexatonic) scales are made by omitting one note from the Suptak (septave). A Suptak has seven notes. Sa, or the keynote cannot be omitted. So there are six Chhadav scales in each Thaat.

      1. S,G,M,P,D,N
      2. S,R,M,P,D,N
      3. S,R,G,P,D,N
      4. S,R,G,M,D,N
      5. S,R,G,M,P,N
      6. S,R,G,M,P,D,

3. Audav: An Audav scale uses five out of the seven notes. There are 15 Audav scales in any Thaat. In the following list, the notes (2nd through 7th) are omitted in the following order:
2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7, 4-5, 4-6, 4-7, 5-6, 5-7, 6-7. Once you understand the pattern, it is very easy to build these 15 scales:

  1. S,M,P,D,N
  2. S,G,P,D,N
  3. S,G,M,D,N
  4. S,G,M,P,N
  5. S,G,M,P,D,
  6. S,R,P,D,N
  7. S,R,M,D,N
  8. S,R,M,P,N
  9. S,R,M,P,D,
  10. S,R,G,D,N
  11. S,R,G,P,N
  12. S,R,G,P,D,
  13. S,R,G,M,N
  14. S,R,G,M,D,
  15. S,R,G,M,P,

Go over these lists until it makes perfect sense. Next we will pair them to create Sub-categories.

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21. Creating Raags

As I mentioned earlier that a Raag must use minimum of ‘five’ to maximum of ‘seven’ notes, and we know, there are only seven notes, so we can divide Raags in three main categories (Jatis):
1. Sumpoorn (heptatonic or seven notes)
2. Chhadav (Hexatonic or six notes)
3. Audav (pentatonic or five notes)

When we play more than one note, we are either going up or down the scale. So every Raag has its own ‘ascending notes’ and ‘descending notes’. This way we can divide Raags into 9 sub categories (Jatis):

Ascending-Descending Note Count
1. Sumpooran-Sumpooran 7-7 or (hepta-hepta)
2. Sumpooran-Chhadav 7-6 or (hepta -hexa)
3. Sumpooran-Audav 7-5 or (hepta -penta)
4. Chhadav-Sumpooran 6-7 or (hexa- hepta)
5. Chhadav-Chhadav 6-6 or (hexa-hexa)
6. Chhadav-Audav 6-5 or (hexa- penta)
7. Audav-Sumpooran 5-7 or (penta- hepta)
8. Audav-Chhadav 5-6 or (penta -hexa)
9. Audav-Audav 5-5 or (penta-penta)

Now it is just matter of putting them together and you will get 484 Raags. Every Raag must have a keynote, in Indian music, ‘Sa’ is always the keynote, no matter where you establish it. Now we will go through all 9 Jatis and see how the Raggs in each Jati add up.

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20. Ten Thaats of Northern Indian Music

Here are the ten Thaats and their notes. Only Vikrat (sharp and flat) notes are shown here. That means all other notes are natural.

Thaat Name Vikrat or Moved Notes (flats and Sharps)
1. Bilaval None     (all natural)
2. Khamaj Nee Komal or seventh flat
3. Kafi Ga, Nee Komal or third and seventh flat
4. Asavari Ga, Dha, Nee Komal or third, sixth and seventh flat
5. Bhairavi Re, Ga, Dha, Nee, Komal or second, third, sixth and seventh flat
6. Kaliaan Ma Tivar or fourth sharp
7. Marva Re Komal Ma Tivar or second flat and fourth sharp
8. Pooravi Re, Dha Komal, Ma Tivar or second and sixth flat, fourth sharp
9. Todi Re, Ga, Dha Komal, Ma Tivar or second, third and sixth flat, fourth sharp
10. Bhairav Re and Dha Komal or second and sixth flat

As you see, that except the 10th (Bhairav) Thaat, all other nine Thaat can be divided into two groups.

  • First five Thaats start from ‘none’ flat or sharp and then every Thaat has ‘one extra’ flat.
  • Thaat No. 6-9 have fourth sharp (Ma Tivar). There is one extra flat in every next Thaat after the 6th Thaat, which has no flats (Komal).
  • The Tenth Thaat is a very popular Thaat but it doesn’t fit into ‘adding one vikrat’ categorizing.

Here is an interactive infographic of these thaats.  In Indian music  a transposed scale still be called the same scale as long as the relation between notes stays the same. As in Jazz a Lydian is Lydian regardless of the key. In case the interactive animation doesnt load, there is a list view below as well. All following scales are from C:
[iframe width=”100%” height=”300″ src=”https://www.sangtar.com/canvas/170201-10thaats.html”].

The following list assumes that your keynote (Sa) is ‘C’:

1. Bilaval: C,D,E,F,G,A,B > 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
2. Khamaj: C,D,E,F,G,A,Bb > 1,2,3,4,5,6,7b
3. Kafi: C,D,Eb,F,G,A,Bb > 1,2,3b,4,5,6,7b
4. Asavari: C,D,Eb,F,G,Ab,Bb > 1,2,3b,4,5,6b,7b
5.  Bhairvi: C,Db,Eb,F,G,Ab,Bb > 1,2b,3b,4,5,6b,7b
6. Kalian: C,D,E,F#,G,A,B > 1,2,3,4#,5,6,7
7. Marva: C,Db,E,F#,G,A,B > 1,2b,3,4#,5,6,7
8. Pooravi: C,Db,E,F#,G,Ab,B > 1,2b,3,4#,5,6b,7
9. Todi: C,Db,Eb,F#,G,Ab,B > 1,2b,3b,4#,5,6b,7
10. Bhairav: C,Db,E,F,G,Ab,B > 1,2b,3,4,5,6b,7

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19. Thaat System

A Thaat is a parent scale. Raags are derived from the Thaats. Thaat system categorizes the Raags by defining the positions (sharp or flat)of notes. A Thaat cannot be sung or played. A Thaat is just a theoretical ‘Sumpooran’ (Heptatonic) scale.
A musicologist Lochan Kavi developed the first Thaat system in the 15th century. In his book ‘Raag-Trungini’, 019_krishnahe writes that at that time there were nearly 16000 Raags mentioned in the old books, stories, and myths, that Lord Krishna’s ‘Gopees’ (he had 365 Gopees) sang for him. Lochan Kavi found that out of all those mentioned, only 36 Raags had distinct scales. Thus he categorized all known Raags to 12 ‘Males’, the Sanskrit word for Thaat.

Then a Southern musicologist Pundit Venkatmukhi, used a mathematical formula to create 72 Thaats. He divided the Octave into two tetra-chords and applied the following rules:

  1. Every Thaat must use ‘Sa’ (the keynote or the first note)
    2. Every Thaat must have 7 notes.
    3. Every Thaat must use notes from the upper and lower half (tetra-chords).

If you follow these three rules, it creates 72 unique scales. As hard as it sounds, this method is actually very easy to understand (eventually I will write a post about this).

Unfortunately it didn’t make much sense in the Northern Music, where notes were getting popular in their modern position (same as western notes, with a minimum interval of a semitone). Finally a modern musicologist Pundit Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhunday chose 10 out of the 72 southern Thaats and made them standard ‘10 Thaats of Northern Indian Music‘.

A few things you should know about a Thaat:
These are the amended Thaat rules that musicologist Pundit Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhunday adopted for the Hindustani music.

  1. Every Thaat has all and only seven notes. That is one of every note in an octave. If ‘C’ is your ‘S’ (Sa or the keynote), then every Thaat must have all seven ‘C, D, E, F, G, A, B,’ (S, R, G, M, P, D, N) notes.
  2. The Flat and Sharp notes (Komal and Tivar) separate one Thaat from another.
  3. A Thaat cannot be played, so it doesn’t have to be written in ascending and descending patterns.
  4. A Thaat does not have to sound pleasant to ears as it does not contain any rules to play the notes.
  5. All Ten Thaat are named after a famous Raag from that Thaat. As ‘Marva’ is a Thaat and it is named after ‘Marva’ Raag, which is the most famous Raag from this Thaat.

In the next post we will see these 10 Thaats and understand how they relate to one another.

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18. Definitions of Melodic Words

Here are a few very useful words. It is a good idea to use Indian words when playing Indian music, although I will keep using English words besides Indian words through out the blog. This post only includes melody related words. Commonly used rhythmic words were explained in an earlier post. Once again, do not spend too much time memorizing these words before hand. The following list is not in an alphabetical order. I have placed them in a logical order.

Thaat (Parent Scale): (pronounce ‘th’ as in ‘theory’): Thaat is a parent scale, from which the Raags are born. A Thaat always contains all seven notes and only exists in theory, which means a Thaat cannot be played or sung. Once you define how to sing a Thaat’s notes in a certain way, a Raag is born. There are ten Thaats in Northern Indian Music:

1. Bilaval
2. Khamaj
3. Kafi
4. Asavari
5. Bhairvi
6. Kaliaan
7. Marva
8. Poorvi
9. Todi
10. Bhairav

Raag: A Raag is a group of five (minimum) to seven (maximum) notes which sounds pleasant to the ears when sung or played on an musical instruments. Raags are derived from Thaats. There can be 484 unique Raags in every Thaat.

Svara (Note): A musical sound with minimum interval of a semitone is called a Svara. There are twelve Svaras (Notes) in an Octave and they have seven names as shown below

Full Name

Short Pronunciation

shown in This blog as:






















Jati (type): Jati is referred to the scale structure of a Raag. There are three main Jatis:

1. Sumpooran (Heptatonic or 7 notes)
2. Chhadav (Hexatonic or 6 notes) and
3. Audav (Pentatonic or 5 notes)

Vadi Svara (Dominant Note): The most important and most used note (suwar) in a Raag is called the Vadi Svara.
Sumvadi Svara (Sub-dominant Note): The next important note in a Raag is called the Sumvadi Svara. It is always a fourth or fifth from the Vadi note.
Vivadi Svara (Enemy Note): The name explains it all. Using this note will break the Raag. Although really experienced performers do use Vivadi notes in their performance just to show that how comfortable they are with their hold on a Raag. In general, stay away from it.
sangtar and rajaVerjit Svara (Forbidden Notes): The Notes, which are not used in a Raag, are called Verjit notes. Verjit notes are defined by the Jatis, i.e Heptatonic Raags have none, Hexatonic Raags have one and Pentatonic Raags have two forbidden notes.
Shudh Svara (pure, Natural Note): Notes as they appear in a major scale are assumed in their Shudh (natural) position. R, G, D and N are consider Shudh when they appear in their Tivar position and M is consider shudh when it apears in its Komal position.

Vikrat Svara (Moved Notes): Note which are played in a different position than as they appear in a major scale are called Vikrat Svaras (Sharps and Flats).
Komal Svara (Flat Note): In Northern Indian music all notes except first and fifth have two positions. The lower position is called Komal and the upper is called Tivar. When any of the notes which are Tivar in a natural scale are Vikrat (moved), they are called Komal Svaras (‘R’,’G’,’D’ and ‘N’ second, third, sixth and seventh). The Komal notes are underlined in the notation.
Tivar Svara (Sharp Note): When a note moves one step up from its Komal position that is called a Tivar Svara. Only ‘M’ (fourth) goes Tivar when it is Vikrat (moved). Ma or fourth is komal in a natural scale. A Tivar suwar is written with a standing line on it.

There is not much new to learn about note positions. Only thing to remember is that which notes go flat and which one goes sharp. here is a simple map of all 12 notes from ‘C’:


Aroh : ascending. Every Raag must have an ascending.
Avroh: Descending. Every Raag must have a descending.
Pakad (Catch phrase): The main phrase in a Raag, which gives it a distinguish characteristic, is called Pakad.
Taan: When a group of notes as a phrase is sung in a rhythm, it is called a Taan. There are two main categories of Taans: Spaat Taan and Koot Taan. These were discussed in this post.
Meend (Slur): When notes are changed without breaking the voice or the vibration of a string in a smooth up or down pull, that is a slur or Meend. Sometimes another word ‘Soote’ is used for bowed instruments.
Kun (Grace notes): When while singing or playing one note, another note is slightly touched, that is called a Kun. The Kun (grace) note is written right on top of the main note as:

grace note

This means ‘N’ (Nee) is slightly touched when the second ‘Pa’ is played.
Sthaee: The chorus of a song is called Sthaee.
Antra: The verse/s of a song is/are called Antra/s.

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17. Melody

Melody is based on our ability to hear and perceive changes in frequencies. Although it is more than just the pitch going up and down, but as the frequency goes higher, the note is sharper. In any octave, the highest note always vibrates at the double rate from the lowest note. So an octave is the interval between one musical note and another with half or double its frequency. After the unison, (two things vibrating at the same rate), the octave is the simplest interval in music. The human ear tends to hear both notes (upper and lower) as being essentially ‘the same’. For this reason, notes an octave apart are given the same name in Indian music. The same is true for Western Music. And just like in western notation system, Northern Indian music recognizes 12 places in one octave as Notes. Most musicians use the same notes as we see them on a guitar’s fret or on a piano (equal temperament scale). But it hasn’t been always like this. In ancient times, Indian music was based on the ‘Sharuti’ system. The intervals were measured with sharuties. We will discuss this in Advanced Theory.

Pandit Jas RajMelody of Northern Indian Music is based on the ‘Thaat’ (parent Scale) and ‘Raag’ theory. Raags have their minimum requirements of five notes in an octave. Based on that principle, 484 Raags can be created mathematically from any given ‘Thaa’t’. We will discuss Thaats and that theory in another post.

Every Raag has its own personality. There are many special things about every Raag, which make it possible to separate one Raag from another. I will explain these in the ‘Properties of a Raag’ post.

Even though many popular musician do not study Raags and most of the popular music is not even in any certain Raags, there are many ‘phrasing’ secrets hidden in the Raags, however. Ascending and descending do not make music. Whole art of music is hidden in phrasing. You must have listened to hundreds of songs composed in ‘C’ or ‘E’ major. They still sound different from one another. That is because music we hear affects us in phrases, not scales.

This theory (music in phrases) was the origin of Raags. Raags start with that in mind and grow from there. To learn a Raag you have to learn its ascending or descending etc., but you also must know its flow and important phrases. There are thousands of available lists of hundreds of Raags everywhere, but they have no practical value as one will never know how to proceed from there. A Raag description without its phrases and flow is useless. I am a working composer. I am giving you the only information that is essential to ‘know and play’ Indian music in the real world. I will post the Raags complete with this data. You will find yourself improvising in a certain Raag in no time by mixing and shuffling its phrases and flow.

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16. Famous Northern Indian Taals Part V

Now let’s see all these taals stripped off their boles. The following Taals appear in the same order as last four posts:

Part I

Teen Taal
(16 beats, 4 sections)
sections: 4+4+4+4
signs: X-2-0-3
Aik Taal
(12 beats, 6sections)
sections: 2+2+2+2+2+2
signs: X-0-2-0-3-4

(7 beats, 3 sections)
sections: 3+2+2
signs: X-2-3 or 0-2-3

(6 beats, 2 sections)
sections: 3+3
signs: X-0

(8 beats, two sections)
sections: 4+4
signs: X-0

Jhup Taal
(10 beats, 4 sections)
sections: 2+3+2+3
signs: X-2-0-3

Part II

(7 beats, 3 sections)
sections: 3+2+2
signs: X-2-3
Pushto Taal
(7 beats, 3 sections)
sections: 3+2+2
signs: X-2-3

Addha Teen Taal (half Teen Taal)
(8 beats, 4 sections)
sections: 2+2+2+2
signs: X-2-0-3

Theka Quwali
(8 beats, two sections)
sections: 4+4
signs: X-2

Basant Taal
( 9 beats, 9 sections)
sections: 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1
signs: X-2-3-4-0-5-0-6-0

Shoolfakta Taal
(10 beats, 3 sections)
sections: 4+2+4
signs: X-2-3

Jhumpa Taal
(10 beats, 4 sections)
sections: 2+3+2+3
signs: X-2-0-3

Sool Taal
(10 beats, 5 sections)
signs: X-0-2-3-0

Part III

Mani Taal
(11 Beats, 4 sections)
sections: 3+2+3+3
signs: X-2-3-4
Ruther Taal
(11 beats, 11 sections)
signs: X-2-0-3-4-5-0-6-7-8-0

Char Taal
(12 beats, 6 sections)
sections: 2+2+2+2+2+2
signs: X-0-2-0-3-4

Vikram Taal
(12 beats, 4 sections)
sections: 2+3+3+4
signs: X-2-0-3

Vishav Taal
(13 beats, 9 sections)
sections: 2+2+1+1+2+1+1+1+2
signs: X-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9

(14 beats, 4 sections)
sections: 3+4+3+4
signs: X-2-0-3

(14 beats, 4 sections)
sections: 5+2+3+4
signs: X-2-0-3

Ada Char Taal
(14 beats, 7 sections)
sections: 2+2+2+2+2+2+2
signs: X-2-0-3-0-4-0

Part IV

(14 beats, 4 sections)
sections: 3+4+3+4
signs: X-2-0-3
Guj Jhumpa Taal
(15 Beats, 4 sections)
sections: 4+4+4+3
signs: X-2-0-3

Chitra Taal
(15 beats, sections 5)
sections: 2+3+4+4+2
signs: X-2-3-4-0

Yatishekhar Taal
(15 beats, 10 sections)
sections: 1+2+2+1+1+2+1+1+2+2
signs: X-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10

(16 Beats, 4 sections)
sections: 4+4+4+4
signs: X-2-0-3

Theka Tuppa
(16 beats, 4 sections)
sections: 4+4+4+4
signs: X-2-0-3

(16 beats, 4 sections)
sections: 4+4+4+4
signs: X-2-0-3

Vishnu Taal
(17 beats, 5 sections)
sections: 2+3+4+4+4
signs: X-2-3-4-0

Mut Taal
(18 beats, 9 sections)
sections: 2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2
signs: X-0-2-3-0-4-5-6-7
Also see Famous Northern Indian Taals Part I, Part II, Part III & Part IV

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